Entrez Direct Examples
Entrez Direct Examples
Jonathan Kans, PhD.
Author Information and Affiliations
Created: April 23, 2013; Last Update: April 12, 2024.
Estimated reading time: 21 minutes
Some early EDirect examples required post-processing with shell script:
start=$(( start + 1 ))
stop=$(( stop + 1 ))
or awk commands:
awk -F '\t' -v 'OFS=\t' '{print $1, $2+1, $3+1}'
to increment 0-based sequence coordinates so that the proper region was retrieved:
efetch -db nuccore -id $accn -format fasta -seq_start $start -seq_stop $stop
This led to -element derivatives that could do simple adjustments within an xtract command:
-element ChrAccVer -inc ChrStart -1-based ChrStop
and to efetch arguments that could take 0-based coordinates directly:
efetch -db nuccore -id $accn -format fasta -chr_start $start -chr_stop $stop
These helped eliminate the need for scripts to perform otherwise trivial modifications on extracted data.
More recent work allows easier after-the-fact numeric manipulation using the filter-columns:
filter-columns '10 <= $2 && $2 <= 30'
and print-columns:
print-columns '$1, $2+1, $3-1, "\042" $4 "\042", tolower($5), log($3), total += $2'
scripts, which accept column designators in an argument and pass them to internal awk commands. The NF (number of fields) and NR (current record number) built-in variables can also be used, as can YR (for year) and DT (for date in YYYY-MM-DD format).
Author Frequency
Who are the most prolific authors on rattlesnake phospholipase?
esearch -db pubmed -query \
"crotalid venoms [MAJR] AND phospholipase [TIAB]" |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle \
-block Author -sep " " -tab "\n" -element LastName,Initials |
Placing author names on separate lines allows sort-uniq-count-rank to produce a frequency table:
87 Lomonte B
77 Gutiérrez JM
64 Soares AM
53 Marangoni S
43 Giglio JR
39 Bon C
Publication Distribution
When were the most papers about Legionnaires disease published?
esearch -db pubmed -query "legionnaires disease [TITL]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element PubDate |
cut -c 1-4 |
In this case sort-uniq-count-rank reports the number of selected papers per year:
173 1979
102 1980
96 1978
92 1981
66 1983
Using ‑year "PubDate/*" on a PubmedArticle record takes the first four-digit number it encounters, and the result does not need to be trimmed:
esearch -db pubmed -query "legionnaires disease [TITL]" |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -year "PubDate/*" |
Treatment Locations
What is the geographic distribution of sepsis treatment studies?
esearch -db pubmed -query \
"sepsis/therapy [MESH] AND geographic locations [MESH]" |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle \
-block MeshHeading -if DescriptorName@Type -equals Geographic \
-tab "\n" -element DescriptorName |
This returns the number of articles ranked by country or region:
660 United States
250 Spain
182 Germany
168 India
155 Taiwan
139 Japan
126 China
124 France
123 Europe
Note that England and United Kingdom will appear as two separate entries.
Indexed Date Fields
What date fields are indexed for PubMed?
einfo -db pubmed |
xtract -pattern Field \
-if IsDate -equals Y -and IsHidden -equals N \
-pfx "[" -sfx "]" -element Name \
-pfx "" -sfx "" -element FullName |
sort -k 2f | expand
Indexed dates are shown with field abbreviations and descriptive names:
[CDAT] Date - Completion
[CRDT] Date - Create
[EDAT] Date - Entrez
[MHDA] Date - MeSH
[MDAT] Date - Modification
[PDAT] Date - Publication
Digital Object Identifiers
How are digital object identifiers obtained from PubMed articles?
esearch -db pubmed -query "Rowley JD [AUTH]" |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -head '<html><body>' -tail '</body></html>' \
-pattern PubmedArticle -PMID MedlineCitation/PMID \
-block ArticleId -if @IdType -equals doi \
-tab "" -pfx '<p><a href="' -sfx '">' -doi ArticleId \
-tab "\n" -pfx '' -sfx '</a></p>' -element "&PMID" |
transmute -format
The ‑doi command extracts the DOIs and constructs URL references. The ‑pfx and ‑sfx arguments used here enclose each PMID with a clickable link to its DOI:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<a href="https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fleu.2013.340">24496283</a>
<a href="https://doi.org/10.1073%2Fpnas.1310656110">23818607</a>
Reference Formatting
How were references in the main EDirect documentation page formatted?
efetch -db pubmed -format docsum -id 26931183 31738401 31600197 \
29718389 14728215 11449725 8743683 31114887 23175613 |
Relevant document summary fields were collected with:
xtract -set Set -rec Rec -pattern DocumentSummary \
-sep ", " -sfx "." -NM Name -clr \
-sfx "." -SRC Source -clr \
-pfx ":" -PG Pages -clr \
-pfx "(PMID " -sfx ".)" -ID Id -clr \
-group ArticleId -if IdType -equals doi \
-pfx "https://doi.org/" -sfx "." -DOI Value -PG "(.)" -clr \
-group DocumentSummary \
-wrp Sort -lower "&NM" \
-wrp Name -element "&NM" \
-wrp Title -element Title \
-wrp Source -element "&SRC" \
-wrp Year -year PubDate \
-wrp Pages -element "&PG" \
-wrp DOI -element "&DOI" \
-wrp Id -element "&ID" |
This generated intermediate XML with partial formatting:
<Sort>wei ch, allot a, leaman r, lu z.</Sort>
<Name>Wei CH, Allot A, Leaman R, Lu Z.</Name>
<Title>PubTator central: automated concept ... full text articles.</Title>
<Source>Nucleic Acids Res.</Source>
<Id>(PMID 31114887.)</Id>
References were sorted by the first author’s last name:
xtract -set Set -rec Rec -pattern Rec -sort Sort |
and then printed with:
xtract -pattern Rec -deq "\n\n" -tab " " -sep "" \
-element Name Title Source Year,Pages DOI Id
followed by manual editing of hyphenated initials:
Wei C-H, Allot A, Leaman R, Lu Z. PubTator central: automated concept
annotation for biomedical full text articles. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019.
https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkz389. (PMID 31114887.)
Using xtract ‑reg and ‑exp regular expressions to guide xtract ‑replace:
efetch -db pubmed -id 31114887 -format xml |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -block Author -deq "\n" \
-element LastName -reg "[a-z .]" -exp "" -replace ForeName
can generate hyphenated initials directly from the PubmedArticle ForeName field:
by removing lower-case letters, spaces, and periods.
Coding Sequences
What are the coding sequences in the Escherichia coli lac operon?
efetch -db nuccore -id J01636.1 -format gbc |
xtract -insd CDS gene sub_sequence
Sequence under a feature location is obtained with the ‑insd "sub_sequence" argument:
Untranslated Region Sequences
What are the 5' and 3' UTR sequences for lycopene cyclase mRNAs?
SubSeq() {
xtract -pattern INSDSeq -ACC INSDSeq_accession-version -SEQ INSDSeq_sequence \
-group INSDFeature -if INSDFeature_key -equals CDS -PRD "(-)" \
-block INSDQualifier -if INSDQualifier_name -equals product \
-PRD INSDQualifier_value \
-block INSDFeature -pfc "\n" -element "&ACC" -rst \
-first INSDInterval_from -last INSDInterval_to -element "&PRD" "&SEQ"
UTRs() {
while IFS=$'\t' read acc fst lst prd seq
if [ $fst -gt 1 ]
echo -e ">$acc 5'UTR: 1..$((fst-1)) $prd"
echo "${seq:1:$((fst-2))}" | fold -w 50
echo -e ">$acc NO 5'UTR"
if [ $lst -lt ${#seq} ]
echo -e ">$acc 3'UTR: $((lst+1))..${#seq} $prd"
echo "${seq:$lst}" | fold -w 50
echo -e ">$acc NO 3'UTR"
esearch -db nuccore -query " [ECNO]" |
efilter -molecule mrna -feature cds -source refseq |
efetch -format gbc |
SubSeq | UTRs
Sequences before the start codon and after the stop codon are obtained with Unix substring commands:
>NM_001324787.1 NO 5'UTR
>NM_001324787.1 NO 3'UTR
>NM_001324979.1 5'UTR: 1..262 lycopene beta cyclase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic
>NM_001324979.1 3'UTR: 1760..1782 lycopene beta cyclase, chloroplastic/chromoplastic
5-Column Feature Table
How can you generate a 5-column feature table from GenBank format?
XtoT() {
xtract -pattern INSDSeq -pfx ">Feature " \
-first INSDSeqid,INSDSeq_accession-version \
-group INSDFeature -FKEY INSDFeature_key \
-block INSDInterval -deq "\n" \
-element INSDInterval_from INSDInterval_to \
INSDInterval_point INSDInterval_point \
"&FKEY" -FKEY "()" \
-block INSDQualifier -deq "\n\t\t\t" \
-element INSDQualifier_name INSDQualifier_value
efetch -db nuccore -id U54469 -format gb |
transmute -g2x |
Exploring the INSDSeq XML hierarchy with a ‑pattern {sequence} ‑group {feature} ‑block {qualifier} construct, and adding proper indentation, can produce feature table submission format:
>Feature U54469.1
1 2881 source
organism Drosophila melanogaster
mol_type genomic DNA
db_xref taxon:7227
chromosome 3
map 67A8-B2
80 2881 gene
gene eIF4E
80 224 mRNA
892 1458
1550 1920
1986 2085
2317 2404
2466 2881
gene eIF4E
product eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-I
An xml2tbl script containing this xtract command is now included with EDirect.
WGS Components
How can you get FASTA format for all components of a WGS project?
GenerateWGSAccessions() {
gb=$( efetch -db nuccore -id "$1" -format gbc < /dev/null )
ln=$( echo "$gb" | xtract -pattern INSDSeq -element INSDSeq_length )
echo "$gb" |
xtract -pattern INSDSeq -element INSDSeq_locus |
sed -e 's/010*/01/g'
seq -f "${pf}%07.0f" 1 "$ln"
GenerateWGSAccessions "JABRPF000000000" |
returns the expanded list of accessions from the WGS master:
Piping those accessions to:
efetch -db nuccore -format fasta
retrieves the individual components in FASTA format:
>JABRPF010000001.1 Enterococcus faecalis strain G109-2 contig00001, ...
Proteins in a Region
How do you get the protein records encoded in a specific region of a nucleotide sequence?
efetch -db nuccore -id NC_015162.1 -format gb -seq_start 9125 -seq_stop 103803 |
xtract -insd CDS protein_id |
cut -f 2 |
efetch -db protein -format fasta
extracts the protein_id accessions and retrieves those proteins in FASTA format:
>WP_013615770.1 hypothetical protein [Deinococcus proteolyticus]
>WP_013615771.1 hypothetical protein [Deinococcus proteolyticus]
Reverse Complement GenBank
How do you reverse complement a nucleotide sequence in GenBank format?
efetch -db nuccore -id J01749 -format gb |
gbf2fsa |
transmute -revcomp |
transmute -fasta -width 50
converts GenBank to FASTA, reverse-complements the sequence, and saves it at the selected 50 characters per line:
Reverse Complement NCBI2NA
How do you reverse complement a 2-bit encoded nucleotide sequence?
efetch -db nuccore -id J01749 -format asn |
xtract -pattern Seq-entry \
-group seq -if ncbi2na \
-block inst -LEN length -SEQ -ncbi2na ncbi2na \
-SUB "&SEQ[:&LEN]" -REV -revcomp "&SUB" \
-sep "\n" -fasta "&REV"
expands the NCBI2NA representation to IUPACNA, truncates at the indicated length, reverse-complements that sequence, and saves it at the default 70 characters per line:
Six-Frame Protein Translation
How do you translate all six reading frames of a nucleotide sequence?
efetch -db nuccore -id J01749 -format fasta |
transmute -cds2prot -circular -gcode 11 -all
will simultaneously translate three plus-strand and three minus-strand frames, including codons that span the origin if the molecule is circular:
Pattern Searching
The pBR322 cloning vector is a circular plasmid with unique restriction sites in two antibiotic resistance genes.
The transmute -replace function introduces a second BamHI restriction enzyme recognition site by modifying the ribosomal binding site of the pBR322 rop (restrictor of plasmid copy number) gene:
efetch -db nuccore -id J01749 -format fasta |
transmute -replace -offset 1907 -delete GG -insert TC |
The transmute -search function takes a list of sequence patterns with optional labels (such as restriction enzyme names), and uses a finite-state algorithm to simultaneously search for all patterns:
transmute -search -circular GGATCC:BamHI GAATTC:EcoRI CTGCAG:PstI |
align-columns -g 4 -a rl
The (0-based) starting positions and labels for each match are then printed in a two-column table:
374 BamHI
1904 BamHI
3606 PstI
4358 EcoRI
The disambiguate-nucleotides and systematic-mutations scripts can generate all possible single-base substitutions in a pattern for a more relaxed search.
Amino Acid Composition
What is the amino acid composition of human titin?
#!/bin/bash -norc
AAComp() {
abbrev=( Ala Asx Cys Asp Glu Phe Gly His Ile \
Xle Lys Leu Met Asn Pyl Pro Gln Arg \
Ser Thr Sec Val Trp Xxx Tyr Glx )
tr A-Z a-z |
sed 's/[^a-z]//g' |
fold -w 1 |
sort-uniq-count |
while read num lttr
idx=$(printf %i "'$lttr'")
echo -e "${abbrev[$ofs]}\t$num"
done |
efetch -db protein -id Q8WZ42 -format gpc |
xtract -pattern INSDSeq -element INSDSeq_sequence |
This produces a table of residue counts using the three-letter amino acid abbreviations:
Ala 2084
Arg 1640
Asn 1111
Asp 1720
Cys 513
Gln 942
Glu 3193
Gly 2066
His 478
Ile 2062
Leu 2117
Lys 2943
Met 398
Phe 908
Pro 2517
Ser 2463
Thr 2546
Trp 466
Tyr 999
Val 3184
Longest Sequences
What are the longest known insulin precursor molecules?
esearch -db protein -query "insulin [PROT]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element Caption Slen Title |
grep -v receptor | sort -k 2,2nr | head -n 5 | cut -f 1 |
xargs -n 1 sh -c 'efetch -db protein -id "$0" -format gp > "$0".gpf'
Post-processing excludes the longer "insulin-like receptor" sequences, sorts by sequence length, and saves the GenPept results to individual files named by their sequence accessions, using the right angle bracket (">") Unix output redirection character:
Archaea Enzyme
Which archaebacteria have chloramphenicol acetyltransferase?
esearch -db protein -organism archaea \
-query "chloramphenicol acetyltransferase [PROT]" |
efetch -format gpc |
xtract -pattern INSDSeq -element INSDSeq_organism INSDSeq_definition |
grep -i chloramphenicol | grep -v MULTISPECIES |
cut -f 1 | sort -f | uniq -i
Filtering on the definition line produces a list of archaeal organism names:
Euryarchaeota archaeon
Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus
Methanobrevibacter gottschalkii
Methanobrevibacter millerae
Methanobrevibacter oralis
Gene Counts
How many genes are on each human chromosome?
for chr in {1..22} X Y MT
esearch -db gene -query "Homo sapiens [ORGN] AND $chr [CHR]" |
efilter -status alive -type coding |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -NAME Name \
-block GenomicInfoType -if ChrLoc -equals "$chr" \
-tab "\n" -element ChrLoc,"&NAME" |
sort | uniq | cut -f 1 |
sort-uniq-count-rank |
reorder-columns 2 1
This returns a count of unique protein-coding genes per chromosome:
1 2011
2 1224
3 1046
4 742
5 854
6 1015
7 911
8 666
9 763
10 718
11 1279
12 1012
13 327
14 601
15 585
16 835
17 1147
18 266
19 1391
20 528
21 232
22 429
X 839
Y 63
MT 13
The range construct cannot be used for Roman numerals, so the equivalent query on Saccharomyces cerevisiae would need to explicitly list all chromosomes, including the mitochondrion:
Plastid genes can be selected with "source plastid [PROP]" or ‑location plastid.
Chromosome Locations
Where are mammalian calmodulin genes located?
esearch -db gene -query "calmodulin * [PFN] AND mammalia [ORGN]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary \
-def "-" -element Id Name MapLocation ScientificName
The ‑def command adds a dash to prevent missing data from shifting columns in the table:
801 CALM1 14q32.11 Homo sapiens
808 CALM3 19q13.32 Homo sapiens
805 CALM2 2p21 Homo sapiens
24242 Calm1 6q32 Rattus norvegicus
12313 Calm1 12 E Mus musculus
50663 Calm2 6q12 Rattus norvegicus
24244 Calm3 1q21 Rattus norvegicus
12315 Calm3 7 9.15 cM Mus musculus
12314 Calm2 17 E4 Mus musculus
80796 Calm4 13 A1 Mus musculus
617095 CALM1 - Bos taurus
396838 CALM3 - Sus scrofa
520277 CALM3 - Bos taurus
364774 Calml5 17q12.2 Rattus norvegicus
Exon Counts
How many exons are in each dystrophin transcript variant?
esearch -db gene -query "DMD [GENE] AND human [ORGN]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -block GenomicInfoType \
-tab "\n" -element ChrAccVer,ChrStart,ChrStop |
xargs -n 3 sh -c 'efetch -db nuccore -format gbc \
-id "$0" -chr_start "$1" -chr_stop "$2"' |
This retrieves an INSDSeq XML subset record for the indicated gene region, which contains a number of alternatively-spliced dystrophin mRNA and CDS features.
Data extraction computes the number of intervals for each mRNA location (individual exons plus non-adjacent UTRs), and obtains the transcript sequence accession, transcript length, and product name from qualifiers:
xtract -insd complete mRNA "#INSDInterval" \
transcript_id "%transcription" product |
Final filtering and sorting:
grep -i dystrophin |
sed 's/dystrophin, transcript variant //g' |
sort -k 2,2nr -k 4,4nr
results in a table of exon counts and transcript lengths:
NC_000023.11 79 NM_004010.3 14083 Dp427p2
NC_000023.11 79 NM_004009.3 14000 Dp427p1
NC_000023.11 79 NM_004006.3 13992 Dp427m
NC_000023.11 79 NM_000109.4 13854 Dp427c
NC_000023.11 78 XM_006724468.2 13923 X1
NC_000023.11 78 XM_017029328.1 13916 X4
NC_000023.11 78 XM_006724469.3 13897 X2
NC_000023.11 77 XM_006724470.3 13875 X3
Upstream Sequences
What sequences are upstream of phenylalanine hydroxylase genes?
esearch -db nuccore -query "U49897 [ACCN]" |
elink -target gene |
elink -target homologene |
elink -target gene |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -if GenomicInfoType -element Id \
-block GenomicInfoType -element ChrAccVer -1-based ChrStart ChrStop |
This produces a table with 1-based sequence coordinates:
5053 NC_000012.12 102958441 102836889
18478 NC_000076.7 87357657 87419999
38871 NT_037436.4 7760453 7763166
24616 NC_005106.4 28066639 28129772
378962 NC_007115.7 17409367 17391680
Then, given a shell script named "upstream.sh":
#!/bin/bash -norc
if [ -n "$1" ]
while read id accn start stop
if [ $start -eq 0 ] || [ $stop -eq 0 ] || [ $start -eq $stop ]
echo "Skipping $id due to ambiguous coordinates"
if [ $start -gt $stop ]
stop=$(( start + bases ))
start=$(( start + 1 ))
stop=$(( start - 1 ))
start=$(( start - bases ))
rslt=$( efetch -db nuccore -id $accn -format fasta \
-seq_start $start -seq_stop $stop -strand $strand < /dev/null )
echo "$rslt"
the data lines can be piped through:
upstream.sh 500
to extract and print the 500 nucleotides immediately upstream of each gene:
>NC_000012.12:c102958941-102958442 Homo sapiens chromosome 12, GRCh38.p13 ...
Complete Genomes
What complete genomes are available for Escherichia coli?
esearch -db assembly -query \
"Escherichia coli [ORGN] AND representative [PROP]" |
elink -target nuccore -name assembly_nuccore_refseq |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element AccessionVersion Slen Title |
sed 's/,.*//' |
sort-table -k 2,2nr
This search finds genomic assemblies and sorts the results by sequence length, allowing complete genomes to be easily distinguished from smaller plasmids:
NC_002695.2 5498578 Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA
NC_000913.3 4641652 Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
NC_002128.1 92721 Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai plasmid pO157
NC_002127.1 3306 Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai plasmid pOSAK1
The sed command removes text (e.g., complete genome, complete sequence, primary assembly) after a comma.
A similar query for humans, additionally filtering out scaffolds, contigs, and plasmids:
esearch -db assembly -query "Homo sapiens [ORGN] AND representative [PROP]" |
elink -target nuccore -name assembly_nuccore_refseq |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element AccessionVersion Slen Title |
sed 's/,.*//' |
grep -v scaffold | grep -v contig | grep -v plasmid | grep -v patch |
returns the assembled chromosome and mitochondrial sequence records:
NC_000001.11 248956422 Homo sapiens chromosome 1
NC_000002.12 242193529 Homo sapiens chromosome 2
NC_000003.12 198295559 Homo sapiens chromosome 3
NC_000004.12 190214555 Homo sapiens chromosome 4
NC_000005.10 181538259 Homo sapiens chromosome 5
NC_000006.12 170805979 Homo sapiens chromosome 6
NC_000007.14 159345973 Homo sapiens chromosome 7
NC_000008.11 145138636 Homo sapiens chromosome 8
NC_000009.12 138394717 Homo sapiens chromosome 9
NC_000010.11 133797422 Homo sapiens chromosome 10
NC_000011.10 135086622 Homo sapiens chromosome 11
NC_000012.12 133275309 Homo sapiens chromosome 12
NC_000013.11 114364328 Homo sapiens chromosome 13
NC_000014.9 107043718 Homo sapiens chromosome 14
NC_000015.10 101991189 Homo sapiens chromosome 15
NC_000016.10 90338345 Homo sapiens chromosome 16
NC_000017.11 83257441 Homo sapiens chromosome 17
NC_000018.10 80373285 Homo sapiens chromosome 18
NC_000019.10 58617616 Homo sapiens chromosome 19
NC_000020.11 64444167 Homo sapiens chromosome 20
NC_000021.9 46709983 Homo sapiens chromosome 21
NC_000022.11 50818468 Homo sapiens chromosome 22
NC_000023.11 156040895 Homo sapiens chromosome X
NC_000024.10 57227415 Homo sapiens chromosome Y
NC_012920.1 16569 Homo sapiens mitochondrion
This process can be automated to loop through a list of specified organisms:
for org in \
"Agrobacterium tumefaciens" \
"Bacillus anthracis" \
"Escherichia coli" \
"Neisseria gonorrhoeae" \
"Pseudomonas aeruginosa" \
"Shigella flexneri" \
"Streptococcus pneumoniae"
esearch -db assembly -query "$org [ORGN]" |
efilter -query "representative [PROP]" |
elink -target nuccore -name assembly_nuccore_refseq |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element AccessionVersion Slen Title |
sed 's/,.*//' |
grep -v -i -e scaffold -e contig -e plasmid -e sequence -e patch |
sort-table -k 2,2nr
which generates:
NC_011985.1 4005130 Agrobacterium radiobacter K84 chromosome 1
NC_011983.1 2650913 Agrobacterium radiobacter K84 chromosome 2
NC_005945.1 5228663 Bacillus anthracis str. Sterne chromosome
NC_003997.3 5227293 Bacillus anthracis str. Ames chromosome
NC_002695.1 5498450 Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai chromosome
NC_018658.1 5273097 Escherichia coli O104:H4 str. 2011C-3493 ...
NC_011751.1 5202090 Escherichia coli UMN026 chromosome
NC_011750.1 5132068 Escherichia coli IAI39 chromosome
NC_017634.1 4747819 Escherichia coli O83:H1 str. NRG 857C chromosome
NC_000913.3 4641652 Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
NC_002946.2 2153922 Neisseria gonorrhoeae FA 1090 chromosome
NC_002516.2 6264404 Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 chromosome
NC_004337.2 4607202 Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301 chromosome
NC_003028.3 2160842 Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 chromosome
NC_003098.1 2038615 Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 chromosome
SNP Data Table
How can you obtain a tab-delimited table of SNP attributes from a document summary?
efetch -db snp -id 11549407 -format docsum |
The snp2tbl script extracts fields from HGVS data and prints the individual values for further processing:
rs11549407 NC_000011.10 5226773 G A Genomic Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NC_000011.10 5226773 G C Genomic Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NC_000011.10 5226773 G T Genomic Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NG_000007.3 70841 C A Genomic Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NG_000007.3 70841 C G Genomic Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NG_000007.3 70841 C T Genomic Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NM_000518.5 167 C A Coding Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NM_000518.5 167 C G Coding Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NM_000518.5 167 C T Coding Substitution HBB
rs11549407 NP_000509.1 39 Q * Protein Termination HBB
rs11549407 NP_000509.1 39 Q E Protein Missense HBB
rs11549407 NP_000509.1 39 Q K Protein Missense HBB
Columns are SNP identifier, accession.version, offset from start of sequence, letters to delete, letters to insert, sequence class, variant type, and gene name. The internal steps (snp2hgvs, hgvs2spdi, and spdi2tbl) are described below.
Amino Acid Substitutions
What are the missense products of green-sensitive opsin?
esearch -db gene -query "OPN1MW [PREF] AND human [ORGN]" |
elink -target snp | efilter -class missense |
efetch -format docsum |
SNP document summaries contain HGVS data of the form:
NC_000023.11:g.154193517C>A, ... ,NP_000504.1:p.Ala285Val
This can be parsed by an xtract ‑hgvs command within the snp2hgvs script:
snp2hgvs |
into a structured representation of nucleotide and amino acid replacements:
where the original 1-based HGVS positions are converted to 0-based in the XML.
Passing those results through the hgvs2spdi script:
hgvs2spdi |
converts CDS-relative offsets to sequence-relative positions:
Piping this through the spdi2tbl script:
spdi2tbl |
completes the final step of the snp2tbl process to generate a SNP Data Table. Filtering that through:
grep Protein | grep Missense | cut -f 1-5
results in a table of amino acid substitutions sorted by accession, position, and residue:
rs1238141906 NP_000504.1 40 E K
rs1189783086 NP_000504.1 42 P L
rs1257135801 NP_000504.1 45 H Y
rs1284438666 NP_000504.1 63 V I
rs1223726997 NP_000504.1 64 I T
Those rows are processed in a while loop that caches the current sequence data:
while read rsid accn ofs del ins
if [ "$accn" != "$last" ]
seq=$( efetch -db protein -id "$accn" -format gpc < /dev/null |
xtract -pattern INSDSeq -lower INSDSeq_sequence )
pos=$((ofs + 1))
echo ">$rsid [$accn $ins@$pos]"
echo "$seq" |
transmute -replace -offset "$ofs" -delete "$del" -insert "$ins" -lower |
fold -w 50
and uses transmute ‑replace to generate modified FASTA with substituted residues in upper case:
>rs1238141906 [NP_000504.1 K@41]
SNP-Modified Product Pairs
How can you match codon modifications with amino acid substitutions?
efetch -db snp -id 11549407 -format docsum |
snp2tbl |
For SNPs that have different substitutions at the same position, the tbl2prod script translates coding sequences (after nucleotide modification), and sorts them with protein sequences (after residue replacement), to produce adjacent matching CDS/protein pairs:
The "+" sign indicates the unmodified "wild-type" nucleotide or amino acid.
Structural Similarity
What archaea structures are similar to snake venom phospholipase?
esearch -db structure -query "crotalus [ORGN] AND phospholipase A2" |
elink -related |
efilter -query "archaea [ORGN]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary \
-if PdbClass -equals Hydrolase \
-element PdbDescr |
sort -f | uniq -i
Structure neighbors use geometric comparison to find proteins that are too divergent to be detected by sequence similarity with a BLAST search:
Crystal Structure Of Autoprocessed Form Of Tk-Subtilisin
Crystal Structure Of Ca2 Site Mutant Of Pro-S324a
Crystal Structure Of Ca3 Site Mutant Of Pro-S324a
Taxonomic Lineage
What are the major taxonomic lineage nodes for humans?
efetch -db taxonomy -id 9606 -format xml |
xtract -pattern Taxon -first TaxId -tab "\n" -element ScientificName \
-block "**/Taxon" \
-if Rank -is-not "no rank" -and Rank -is-not clade \
-tab "\n" -element Rank,ScientificName
This uses the double star / child construct to recursively explore the data hierarchy:
9606 Homo sapiens
superkingdom Eukaryota
kingdom Metazoa
phylum Chordata
subphylum Craniata
superclass Sarcopterygii
class Mammalia
superorder Euarchontoglires
order Primates
Taxonomy Search
Which organisms contain an annotated RefSeq genome MatK gene?
esearch -db nuccore -query "MatK [GENE] AND NC_0:NC_999999999 [PACC]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element TaxId |
sort -n | uniq |
epost -db taxonomy |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element ScientificName |
The first query obtains taxonomy UIDs from nucleotide document summaries and uploads them for separate retrieval from the taxonomy database:
Acidosasa purpurea
Acorus americanus
Zingiber spectabile
Zygnema circumcarinatum
BioSample document summaries:
esummary -db biosample -id SAMN34375013 |
use XML attributes to identify data element types:
<Attribute attribute_name="strain" harmonized_name="strain" ...>KF24</Attribute>
A two-stage xtract pipeline can produce a tab-delimited table, with one column for each selected field. Piping the data to the first command:
xtract -rec BioSampleInfo -pattern DocumentSummary \
-wrp Accession -element Accession \
-wrp Title -element DocumentSummary/Title \
-wrp Link -sep "|" -numeric Links/Link \
-group Attribute -if @harmonized_name \
-TAG -lower @harmonized_name -wrp "&TAG" -element Attribute |
generates an intermediate form, with XML object names taken from the "harmonized_name" attributes:
<Title>Microbe sample from Bacillus subtilis</Title>
<isolation_source>rhizosphere soil</isolation_source>
<geo_loc_name>China: Kaifeng, Henan Province</geo_loc_name>
<sample_type>bacterial isolate</sample_type>
<lat_lon>34.14 N 114.05 E</lat_lon>
(A bsmp2info script containing this first xtract command is now included with EDirect.)
Desired fields can then be selected by name in the last line of the second xtract command, with a "-" placeholder printed for any missing values:
xtract -pattern BioSampleInfo -def "-" -first Accession Title Link \
geo_loc_name isolation_source strain lat_lon
Using ‑first instead of ‑element eliminates possible redundant entries during the attribute name transition from "country" to "geo_loc_name".
Using RunInfo Format
SRA data can be retrieved in RunInfo format:
efetch -db sra -id SRR6314034 -format runinfo |
as comma-separated values, with the first line containing the field names:
SRR6314034,2017-11-21 23:27:11,2017-11-21 23:25:38,128,539118,0,...
Piping to the csv2xml script, and using the ‑header flag:
csv2xml -set Set -rec Rec -header |
converts the data into XML:
<ReleaseDate>2017-11-21 23:27:11</ReleaseDate>
<LoadDate>2017-11-21 23:25:38</LoadDate>
<Model>PacBio RS II</Model>
<ScientificName>Homo sapiens</ScientificName>
This can then be piped through xtract:
xtract -pattern Rec -def "-" -element Run Experiment BioProject BioSample
to retrieve the desired values by field name:
SRR6314034 SRX3413965 PRJNA418990 SAMN08040264
Installation of EDirect on Cloud
To install the EDirect software, open a terminal window and execute the following command:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/entrezdirect/install-edirect.sh)"
At the end of installation, answer "y" to have the script run the PATH update command to edit your configuration file, so that EDirect programs can be run in subsequent terminal sessions.
One installation is complete, run:
export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/edirect
to set the PATH for the current terminal session.
Downloading BLAST Software
Obtain the Magic-BLAST software if it is not already installed:
download-ncbi-software magic-blast
Preparing Chromosome Files
Retrieve the sequence of human chromosome 7 with:
efetch -db nuccore -id NC_000007 -format fasta -immediate > NC_000007.fsa
Download protein-coding genes on human chromosome 7 in document summary format, and extract the gene ranges into a tab-delimited table:
esearch -db gene -query "Homo sapiens [ORGN] AND 7 [CHR]" |
efilter -status alive -type coding | efetch -format docsum |
gene2range "7" > NC_000007.gen
SRA Gene Analysis
Run a magicblast search of SRR6314034 against chromosome 7:
magicblast -sra SRR6314034 -subject NC_000007.fsa -outfmt asn |
asn2xml > SRR6314034.xml
Passing the alignment details through the blst2tkns script:
cat SRR6314034.xml |
blst2tkns |
tokenizes the alignment parts:
index 1
score 6268
start 33088037
stop 33167397
strand plus
match 12
mismatch 1
genomic-ins 1
Piping these to the split-at-intron script:
split-at-intron |
detects large genomic insertions:
6268 1 plus 33088037..33091003,33163798..33167397
4910 2 plus 33089462..33091003,33163799..33167397
1814 3 plus 33164965..33167397
These are filtered by minimum score with:
filter-columns '$1 > 1000' |
The fuse-ranges script then merges overlapping alignments:
fuse-ranges |
into a minimal set of extended ranges:
plus 33088037 33091003 2967
plus 33163798 33167398 3601
plus 33272248 33272278 31
plus 33394238 33394551 314
minus 33088037 33091004 2968
minus 33163798 33167398 3601
minus 33255886 33256012 127
minus 33394326 33394551 226
Running each range through the find-in-gene script:
while read std min max len
cat NC_000007.gen |
find-in-gene "$std" "$min" "$max"
done |
sort -f | uniq -i
returns the names of gene(s) that overlap the aligned segments:
PubChem in Entrez
Entrez can search on the complete synonym of a compound:
esearch -db pccompound -query "catechol [CSYN]" |
efetch -format uid
to return a small number of closely matching compound identifiers (CIDs):
Entrez document summaries for a compound:
efetch -db pccompound -id 289 -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element MolecularFormula IsomericSmiles
contains general descriptive information fields for the compound:
C6H6O2 C1=CC=C(C(=C1)O)O
Power User Gateway (PUG) REST Query Form
PubChem also supports a RESTful service for more advanced queries. Nquire provides a ‑pugrest URL shortcut. The base form of a search request is is:
nquire -pugrest [compound|substance|assay] [input] [operation] [output]
Searches can use the name of a compound:
nquire -pugrest compound name catechol cids TXT
to obtain the best matching compound identifier:
The CID can be used as the input key to obtain a title and description:
nquire -pugrest compound cid 289 description XML
or to retrieve a much more detailed record:
nquire -pugrest compound cid 289 record XML |
that includes the canonical or isomeric SMILES codes:
xtract -pattern PC-InfoData \
-if PC-Urn_label -equals SMILES -and PC-Urn_name -equals Isomeric \
-element PC-InfoData_value_sval
PubChem Chemical Identifiers
Certain identifier types require POST arguments to encode special symbols:
nquire -pugrest compound smiles description XML \
-smiles "C1=CC=C(C(=C1)O)O" |
xtract -pattern InformationList -element Title Description
This returns the chemical name and description:
Catechol Catechol is a benzenediol comprising...
Other identifier key types that are encoded in separate arguments are shown below:
nquire -pugrest compound inchi synonyms TXT \
-inchi "1S/C6H6O2/c7-5-3-1-2-4-6(5)8/h1-4,7-8H"
nquire -pugrest compound inchikey cids JSON \
nquire -pugrest compound/fastsubstructure/smarts/cids/XML \
-smarts "[#7]-[#6]-1=[#6]-[#6](C#C)=[#6](-[#6]-[#8])-[#6]=[#6]-1"
(Nquire ‑inchi will supply the expected "InChI=" prefix if it is missing in the argument string.)
PUG-REST Asynchronous Queries
Some PUG-REST queries are computationally intensive and run asynchronously:
nquire -pugrest compound/superstructure/cid/2244/XML |
The returned <ListKey>
token is piped to an nquire ‑pugwait command, which polls the server until the results are available:
nquire -pugwait
Identifiers are then downloaded and placed directly in an ENTREZ_DIRECT message:
Support for this form was added when EDirect was redesigned in 2020.
Reverse Chronological Order
Repackaging an entire document summary and creating a set of keys for sorting:
esearch -db pubmed -query "tn3 transposition immunity" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -rec Rec -pattern DocumentSummary -INDX "+" \
-group DocumentSummary -pkg SortKeys \
-unit DocumentSummary -wrp INDX -element "&INDX" \
-unit PubDate -wrp YEAR -year PubDate \
-unit PubDate -wrp DATE -date "*" \
-unit Title -wrp TITL -lower Title \
-unit Author -position first -wrp FAUT -lower Name \
-unit Author -position last -wrp LAUT -lower Name \
-unit Authors -wrp ANUM -num Author/Name \
-unit DocumentSummary -wrp SIZE -len "*" \
-group DocumentSummary -pkg DS -element "*" |
produces an intermediate structure with separate containers for the sort keys and the original docsum:
<TITL>nucleotide sequences required for tn3 transposition immunity.</TITL>
<FAUT>kans ja</FAUT>
<LAUT>casadaban mj</LAUT>
<PubDate>1989 Apr</PubDate>
<Source>J Bacteriol</Source>
This allows sorting of records by a new tag derived from ‑year:
xtract -rec Rec -pattern Rec -sort-rev SortKeys/YEAR |
xtract -set DocumentSummarySet -pattern Rec \
-group DS/DocumentSummary -element "*" |
transmute -format -combine |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element Id PubDate
to present publication records with the most recent shown first:
36257990 2022 Oct 18
28096365 2017 Jan 31
22624153 2012 Feb
21729108 2011 Sep
8595595 1996 Jan
Count Unique Journals
Some bibliometric analyses require fetching huge numbers of PubMed records. One such example is counting the number of unique journals publishing papers indexed under a given category.
A common function consolidates code to execute a query and fetch the records from the EDirect local PubMed archive. The xtract ‑histogram shortcut acts as an ‑element command followed by a built-in sort-uniq-count. (This can save significant time when the number of results is in the millions.) The line count gives the number of journals publishing at least one paper that satisfies the query:
CountUniqueJournals() {
# count number of unique journals publishing papers that match a query
phrase-search -db pubmed -query "$qry" | fetch-pubmed |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -histogram Journal/ISOAbbreviation |
wc -l | tr -d ' '
Looping through a series of years, and calling this function with and without a filter of interest in the query:
for year in {2016..2022}
# want to find percent of journals still using unstructured date
filt="medline date [PROP]"
base="journal article [PTYP] AND $year [YEAR]"
# subset of journals publishing a paper with filter condition
subs=$( CountUniqueJournals "$base AND $filt" )
# number of unique journals in selected publication types
totl=$( CountUniqueJournals "$base" )
if [ "$totl" -gt 0 ]
# calculate (integer) percentage
frac=$((subs * 100 / totl))
# print year, journal counts, and percent using filter condition
printf "$year\t$subs\t$totl\t$frac\n"
done | align-columns -h 2 -g 4 -a r
returns the year, the numbers of unique journals with the filter and in total for that year, and the ratio of the two as a percentage. In this example the last column shows a steady decrease in the percentage of journals providing an unstructured publication date:
2016 1933 10362 18
2017 1153 10473 11
2018 1071 10321 10
2019 980 10027 9
2020 919 10579 8
2021 950 10947 8
2022 835 10600 7
Bookshelf ID: NBK565821