The E-utility Web Service (SOAP)
The E-utility Web Service (SOAP)
Eric Sayers, PhD and Vadim Miller.
Author Information and Affiliations
Eric Sayers, PhD
1 and Vadim Miller2.
Email: vog.hin.mln.ibcn@sreyas
Email: vog.hin.mln.ibcn@rellim
Corresponding author.
Created: January 21, 2010; Last Update: January 23, 2015.
Termination Announcement
The SOAP web service for the E-utilities will be TERMINATED permanently on July 1, 2015. All requests made to this service after that date will fail.
If you have software that is currently using the E-utility SOAP web service, please plan to transition to using the standard URL interface described in Chapters 1-4 of this book.
Please contact vog.hin.mln.ibcn@ofni if you have questions about this change.
For More Information
Please see Chapter 1 for getting additional information about the E-utilities.