# 差异表达分析:使用 R 进行 RNA-Seq 数据分析
在现代生物学研究中,RNA-Seq(RNA 测序)已经成为解析基因表达的强大工具。差异表达分析是其中一个重要步骤,通过比较不同条件下的基因表达水平,我们可以找出哪些基因在不同的生物条件下表现出显著变化。
# 差异表达分析
差异表达分析(Differential Expression Analysis)是指通过比较不同条件或处理下的基因表达水平,找出那些显著变化的基因。这些基因的变化可能与某些生物学过程、疾病状态或环境响应有关。
# 使用的软件包
:用于 RNA-Seq 数据的标准化和处理。dplyr
# 函数实现
在此我们将构建一个名为 runLimma
- 表达矩阵(
) - 样本分组信息(
) - 是否执行标准化(
) - 是否生成有方向的对比(
- 处理 RNA-Seq 数据的归一化
- 生成详细的结果总结
- 自动生成所有可能的对比矩阵,考虑所有组别之间的对比
# 数据准备和输入
runLimma <- function(exp, group, normalize = TRUE, directional = FALSE) { | |
library(limma) | |
library(edgeR) | |
library(dplyr) |
# 分组信息和设计矩阵
# 分组信息变为因子向量 | |
conditions <- factor(group) | |
# 设计矩阵 | |
design <- model.matrix(~0 + conditions) | |
colnames(design) <- levels(conditions) |
# RNA-Seq 数据归一化
RNA-Seq 数据通常需要标准化,以便减少技术变异的影响,使不同样本之间的基因表达水平可以更准确地比较。但是如果数据已经经过了标准化,我们可以跳过这一步:
# RNA-Seq 数据归一化 | |
if (normalize) { | |
dge <- DGEList(counts = as.matrix(exp), group = conditions) | |
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge) | |
v <- voom(dge, design, plot = TRUE) | |
exprs <- v$E | |
} else { | |
exprs <- as.matrix(exp) | |
} |
这里我们使用 edgeR
包中的 DGEList
和 calcNormFactors
函数对数据进行标准化处理。 voom
# 线性模型和经验贝叶斯分析
接下来,我们使用 lmFit
和 eBayes
# 线性模型和经验贝叶斯 | |
fit <- lmFit(exprs, design) | |
fit <- eBayes(fit) |
# 生成对比矩阵
如果 directional
设置为 TRUE
,函数会生成双向对比(例如 N-T
和 T-N
),否则只生成一个方向的对比(可能是 N-T
或 T-N
# 自动生成所有可能的对比矩阵 | |
unique_conditions <- levels(conditions) | |
num_conditions <- length(unique_conditions) | |
contrast_str <- c() | |
for (i in 1:(num_conditions - 1)) { | |
for (j in (i + 1):num_conditions) { | |
contrast_name <- paste0(unique_conditions[i], "-", unique_conditions[j]) | |
contrast_str <- c(contrast_str, contrast_name) | |
if (directional) { | |
contrast_name_reverse <- paste0(unique_conditions[j], "-", unique_conditions[i]) | |
contrast_str <- c(contrast_str, contrast_name_reverse) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts = contrast_str, levels = colnames(design)) |
# 应用对比矩阵并生成详细结果
# 应用对比矩阵 | |
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts) | |
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) | |
# 生成详细的结果总结 | |
summary_results <- list() | |
for (contrast_name in contrast_str) { | |
tT <- topTable(fit2, coef = contrast_name, adjust = "fdr", sort.by = "B", number = nrow(exprs)) | |
regulated <- ifelse(tT$logFC > 0, "Up", "Down") | |
tT$Regulation <- regulated | |
lfcs <- c(log2(1.2), log2(1.3), log2(1.5), 1) | |
all.deg.cnt <- cbind() | |
for (lfc in lfcs) { | |
deg1 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$P.Value < 0.05)] | |
deg2 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$P.Value < 0.01)] | |
deg3 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$adj.P.Val < 0.1)] | |
deg4 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$adj.P.Val < 0.05)] | |
deg5 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$adj.P.Val < 0.01)] | |
all.deg.cnt <- cbind(all.deg.cnt, c( | |
paste0(sum(deg1 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg1 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg2 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg2 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg3 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg3 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg4 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg4 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg5 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg5 == "Down")) | |
)) | |
} | |
row.names(all.deg.cnt) <- c("p<0.05", "p<0.01", "FDR<0.1", "FDR<0.05", "FDR<0.01") | |
colnames(all.deg.cnt) <- paste0(c("1.2", "1.3", "1.5", "2"), "-fold") | |
summary_results[[contrast_name]] <- list(DEG = tT, Summary = all.deg.cnt) | |
} | |
results <- list( | |
CombinedFit = fit2, | |
DetailedResults = summary_results | |
) | |
return(results) | |
} |
# 提取结果
getSummary <- function(results, contrast_name) { | |
if (!contrast_name %in% names(results$DetailedResults)) { | |
stop("The specified contrast is not found in the results.") | |
} | |
summary <- results$DetailedResults[[contrast_name]]$Summary | |
print(summary) | |
} |
函数用于根据指定的 p-value 阈值(默认 0.05)、指定的 fdr 阈值(默认 0.05)和 logFC 阈值(默认 1)获取某个对比中的差异表达基因。
getDEGs <- function(results, contrast_name, pvalue_threshold = 0.05, fdr_threshold = 0.05, logFC_threshold = 1) { | |
if (!contrast_name %in% names(results$DetailedResults)) { | |
stop("The specified contrast is not found in the results.") | |
} | |
tT <- results$DetailedResults[[contrast_name]]$DEG | |
degs <- tT[which(tT$P.Value < pvalue_threshold & tT$adj.P.Val < fdr_threshold & abs(tT$logFC) > logFC_threshold), ] | |
return(degs) | |
} |
getDEGs <- function(results, contrast_name, pvalue_threshold = 0.05, fdr_threshold = 0.05, logFC_threshold = 1) { | |
if (!contrast_name %in% names(results$DetailedResults)) { | |
stop("The specified contrast is not found in the results.") | |
} | |
tT <- results$DetailedResults[[contrast_name]]$DEG | |
if (is.null(pvalue_threshold) && is.null(fdr_threshold) && is.null(logFC_threshold)) { | |
degs <- tT | |
} else { | |
degs <- tT[tT$P.Value < pvalue_threshold & tT$adj.P.Val < fdr_threshold & abs(tT$logFC) > logFC_threshold, ] | |
} | |
return(degs) | |
} |
当 pvalue_threshold == fdr_threshold == logFC_threshold == NULL
allGenes <- getDEGs(results, "T-N", pvalue_threshold = NULL, fdr_threshold = NULL, logFC_threshold = NULL) |
# 绘制火山图
包的分析结果中,虽然最后一列 Regulation
已经标注了基因的上下调信息,但它仅仅是根据 logFC
allGenes <- getDEGs(results, "T-N", pvalue_threshold = NULL, fdr_threshold = NULL, logFC_threshold = NULL) | |
significance <- ifelse((allGenes$`adj.P.Val` < 0.05 & abs(allGenes$logFC) > 1), ifelse(allGenes$logFC > 1, "Up", "Down"), "NS") | |
allGenes$Significance <- significance |
使用 ggplot2
ggplot(allGenes, aes(logFC, -log10(adj.P.Val))) + | |
geom_point(aes(col = Significance)) + | |
scale_color_manual(values=c("#0072B5", "grey", "#BC3C28")) + | |
labs(title = " ") + | |
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-1, 1), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold")) + | |
labs(x = "log2(FoldChange)", y = "-log10(Pvalue)") + | |
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 13), axis.title = element_text(size = 13)) + | |
theme_bw() | |
ggsave("DEGs.png", width = 5, height = 4, dpi = 300) |
volcanoPlot <- function(data, logFC_col, pvalue_col, title = "Volcano Plot", significance_col = "Significance", colors = c("#0072B5", "grey", "#BC3C28")) { | |
# 检查颜色向量长度 | |
if (length(colors) != 3) { | |
stop("Please provide exactly three colors.") | |
} | |
# 将列名字符串转换为 symbols | |
log2FC_sym <- sym(logFC_col) | |
pvalue_sym <- sym(pvalue_col) | |
significance_sym <- sym(significance_col) | |
mytheme <- theme_bw() + | |
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"), | |
axis.text = element_text(size = 13), | |
axis.title = element_text(size = 13)) | |
# 绘图 | |
ggplot(data, aes(x = !!log2FC_sym, y = -log10(!!pvalue_sym), color = !!significance_sym)) + | |
geom_point() + | |
scale_color_manual(values = colors) + | |
labs(title = title, x = "log2(FoldChange)", y = "-log10(Pvalue)") + | |
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-1, 1), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
mytheme | |
} | |
volcanoPlot(allGenes, logFC_col = "logFC", pvalue_col = "adj.P.Val") |
关于 sym() 和 !! 的用法
在 R 语言中, sym()
和 !!
这两个概念属于非标准评估(non-standard evaluation, NSE)的范畴,这是一个非常强大但稍显复杂的主题,特别是在处理动态变量名时非常有用。
函数是 rlang
包提供的一个工具,用于将字符串转换为符号(symbol)。在 R 中,符号是一种对象类型,用于在表达式中代表变量名。
- 用途:当你需要将字符串动态转换为可以由函数理解的变量名时,
运算符(读作 “bang-bang”)
是 rlang
包中的一个运算符,用于在函数内部 强制展开
- 用途:
- 示例
假设你有一个数据框 df
,并且你想根据用户的输入来选择哪一列进行操作。用户的输入是一个字符串,如 "height"
。你不能直接在如 ggplot
或 dplyr
的函数中使用 "height"
字符串,因为这些函数期望的是列名,而不是包含列名的字符串。这时,你可以使用 sym()
和 !!
library(rlang) | |
library(ggplot2) | |
library(dplyr) | |
# 假设的数据框和用户输入 | |
df <- data.frame(height = rnorm(100, 175, 10), weight = rnorm(100, 70, 5)) | |
column_name <- "height" | |
# 使用 sym () 和!!来动态选择列 | |
height_symbol <- sym(column_name) # 将字符串转换为符号 | |
df %>% summarise(Average = mean(!!height_symbol)) # 使用!!来展开符号 |
如果我们想为一些基因添加注释,可以使用 geom_label()
或 geom_text()
添加注释图层,这两个函数的区别在于, geom_text()
将文本直接叠加到图像中,而 geom_label()
但是在实际的应用中,由于标签重叠等问题,更常用的是 ggrepel
包中的 geom_label_repel()
或 geom_text_repel()
install.packages("ggrepel") | |
library(ggrepel) |
修改后的 volcanoPlot()
volcanoPlot <- function(data, logFC_col, pvalue_col, title = "Volcano Plot", significance_col = "Significance", colors = c("#0072B5", "grey", "#BC3C28"), labels = NULL) { | |
# 检查颜色向量长度 | |
if (length(colors) != 3) { | |
stop("Please provide exactly three colors.") | |
} | |
# 将列名字符串转换为 symbols | |
log2FC_sym <- sym(logFC_col) | |
pvalue_sym <- sym(pvalue_col) | |
significance_sym <- sym(significance_col) | |
# 如果提供了 labels,添加一个新列用于标注 | |
if (!is.null(labels)) { | |
data$Label <- ifelse(rownames(data) %in% labels, 1, 0) | |
} else { | |
data$Label <- 0 | |
} | |
mytheme <- theme_bw() + | |
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"), | |
axis.text = element_text(size = 13), | |
axis.title = element_text(size = 13)) | |
# 绘图 | |
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = !!log2FC_sym, y = -log10(!!pvalue_sym), color = !!significance_sym)) + | |
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + | |
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5))) + | |
scale_color_manual(values = colors) + | |
labs(title = title, x = "log2(FoldChange)", y = "-log10(Pvalue)") + | |
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-1, 1), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
mytheme | |
# 如果有标签,添加标签 | |
if (!is.null(labels)) { | |
p <- p + geom_text_repel(aes(label = ifelse(Label == 1, rownames(data), "")), | |
arrow = arrow(ends="first", length = unit(0.01, "npc")), show.legend = F) | |
} | |
return(p) | |
} |
# 完整代码
library(readxl) | |
library(dplyr) | |
library(limma) | |
library(edgeR) | |
library(ggplot2) | |
library(ggrepel) | |
library(rlang) | |
# 执行差异表达分析的函数 | |
runLimma <- function(exp, group, normalize = TRUE, directional = FALSE) { | |
# 分组信息变为因子向量 | |
conditions <- factor(group) | |
# 设计矩阵 | |
design <- model.matrix(~0 + conditions) | |
colnames(design) <- levels(conditions) | |
if (normalize) { | |
# RNA-Seq 数据归一化 | |
dge <- DGEList(counts = as.matrix(exp), group = conditions) | |
dge <- calcNormFactors(dge) | |
v <- voom(dge, design, plot = TRUE) | |
exprs <- v$E | |
} else { | |
exprs <- as.matrix(exp) | |
} | |
# 线性模型和经验贝叶斯 | |
fit <- lmFit(exprs, design) | |
fit <- eBayes(fit) | |
# 自动生成所有可能的对比矩阵 | |
unique_conditions <- levels(conditions) | |
num_conditions <- length(unique_conditions) | |
contrast_str <- c() | |
for (i in 1:(num_conditions - 1)) { | |
for (j in (i + 1):num_conditions) { | |
contrast_name <- paste0(unique_conditions[i], "-", unique_conditions[j]) | |
contrast_str <- c(contrast_str, contrast_name) | |
if (directional) { | |
contrast_name_reverse <- paste0(unique_conditions[j], "-", unique_conditions[i]) | |
contrast_str <- c(contrast_str, contrast_name_reverse) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
contrasts <- makeContrasts(contrasts = contrast_str, levels = colnames(design)) | |
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrasts) | |
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) | |
# 生成详细的结果总结 | |
summary_results <- list() | |
for (contrast_name in contrast_str) { | |
tT <- topTable(fit2, coef = contrast_name, adjust = "fdr", sort.by = "B", number = nrow(exprs)) | |
regulated <- ifelse(tT$logFC > 0, "Up", "Down") | |
tT$Regulation <- regulated | |
lfcs <- c(log2(1.2), log2(1.3), log2(1.5), 1) | |
all.deg.cnt <- cbind() | |
for (lfc in lfcs) { | |
deg1 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$P.Value < 0.05)] | |
deg2 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$P.Value < 0.01)] | |
deg3 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$adj.P.Val < 0.1)] | |
deg4 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$adj.P.Val < 0.05)] | |
deg5 <- regulated[which(abs(tT$logFC) > lfc & tT$adj.P.Val < 0.01)] | |
all.deg.cnt <- cbind(all.deg.cnt, c( | |
paste0(sum(deg1 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg1 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg2 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg2 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg3 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg3 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg4 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg4 == "Down")), | |
paste0(sum(deg5 == "Up"), "|", sum(deg5 == "Down")) | |
)) | |
} | |
row.names(all.deg.cnt) <- c("p<0.05", "p<0.01", "FDR<0.1", "FDR<0.05", "FDR<0.01") | |
colnames(all.deg.cnt) <- paste0(c("1.2", "1.3", "1.5", "2"), "-fold") | |
summary_results[[contrast_name]] <- list(DEG = tT, Summary = all.deg.cnt) | |
} | |
results <- list( | |
CombinedFit = fit2, | |
DetailedResults = summary_results | |
) | |
return(results) | |
} | |
# 获得总结的函数 | |
getSummary <- function(results, contrast_name) { | |
if (!contrast_name %in% names(results$DetailedResults)) { | |
stop("The specified contrast is not found in the results.") | |
} | |
summary <- results$DetailedResults[[contrast_name]]$Summary | |
print(summary) | |
} | |
# 获得差异基因的函数 | |
getDEGs <- function(results, contrast_name, pvalue_threshold = 0.05, fdr_threshold = 0.05, logFC_threshold = 1) { | |
if (!contrast_name %in% names(results$DetailedResults)) { | |
stop("The specified contrast is not found in the results.") | |
} | |
tT <- results$DetailedResults[[contrast_name]]$DEG | |
if (is.null(pvalue_threshold) && is.null(fdr_threshold) && is.null(logFC_threshold)) { | |
degs <- tT | |
} else { | |
degs <- tT[tT$P.Value < pvalue_threshold & tT$adj.P.Val < fdr_threshold & abs(tT$logFC) > logFC_threshold, ] | |
} | |
return(degs) | |
} | |
# 绘制火山图的函数 | |
volcanoPlot <- function(data, logFC_col, pvalue_col, title = "Volcano Plot", significance_col = "Significance", colors = c("#0072B5", "grey", "#BC3C28"), labels = NULL) { | |
# 检查颜色向量长度 | |
if (length(colors) != 3) { | |
stop("Please provide exactly three colors.") | |
} | |
# 将列名字符串转换为 symbols | |
log2FC_sym <- sym(logFC_col) | |
pvalue_sym <- sym(pvalue_col) | |
significance_sym <- sym(significance_col) | |
# 如果提供了 labels,添加一个新列用于标注 | |
if (!is.null(labels)) { | |
data$Label <- ifelse(rownames(data) %in% labels, 1, 0) | |
} else { | |
data$Label <- 0 | |
} | |
mytheme <- theme_bw() + | |
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"), | |
axis.text = element_text(size = 13), | |
axis.title = element_text(size = 13)) | |
# 绘图 | |
p <- ggplot(data, aes(x = !!log2FC_sym, y = -log10(!!pvalue_sym), color = !!significance_sym)) + | |
geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + | |
guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5))) + | |
scale_color_manual(values = colors) + | |
labs(title = title, x = "log2(FoldChange)", y = "-log10(Pvalue)") + | |
geom_vline(xintercept = c(-1, 1), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05), colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") + | |
mytheme | |
# 如果有标签,添加标签 | |
if (!is.null(labels)) { | |
p <- p + geom_text_repel(aes(label = ifelse(Label == 1, rownames(data), "")), | |
arrow = arrow(ends="first", length = unit(0.01, "npc")), show.legend = F) | |
} | |
return(p) | |
} |
# 结果解读
> head(degs) | |
logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B Regulation | |
MESDC2 -5.406474 5.2581480 -9.940661 3.711317e-19 7.509108e-15 32.68792 Down | |
CLVS1 -3.035352 8.3649303 -9.702325 1.823051e-18 1.844289e-14 31.15791 Down | |
MTBP -2.883240 9.0324125 -9.492411 7.326974e-18 4.941556e-14 29.82074 Down | |
GUCA2A 2.694356 -0.1384359 9.348538 1.889189e-17 9.555991e-14 28.91025 Up | |
GUCA2B 2.743741 -0.2315600 9.287302 2.822673e-17 1.142223e-13 28.52427 Up | |
METTL5 -2.568758 9.4407518 -9.206254 4.795137e-17 1.617000e-13 28.01489 Down |
- logFC(对数折叠变化,Log Fold Change):
- logFC 表示目标基因在不同条件(如实验组和对照组)之间表达水平的对数变化值,通常以 2 为底数。其负值表示在实验组中下调,正值表示上调。
- 例如,如果我们做了一个肿瘤组织(T)与癌旁组织(N)的差异表达分析(T-N):如果 ,即 ,即 ,也就是说 ,所以 T 组上调。
- AveExpr(平均表达值,Average Expression):
- 这是基因在所有样本中的平均表达水平。
- 例如,MESDC2 的
为 5.2581480,表示其在所有样本中的平均表达值为 5.2581480。
- t(t 统计量,T-statistic):
- 这是用于检验基因表达差异显著性的 t 检验统计量。
- 例如,MESDC2 的
t 值
为 -9.940661,表示其在对照组和实验组之间的表达差异非常显著。
- P.Value(P 值,P-Value):
- 这是 t 检验的原始 P 值,表示基因表达差异的显著性水平。较小的 P 值表示差异更显著。
- 例如,MESDC2 的
P 值
为 3.711317e-19,表示其表达差异极其显著。
- adj.P.Val(调整后的 P 值,Adjusted P-Value):
- 这是经过多重检验校正后的 P 值(例如,使用 Benjamini-Hochberg 方法)。调整后的 P 值用于控制假阳性率。
- 例如,MESDC2 的
调整后的 P 值
为 7.509108e-15,仍然表示其表达差异非常显著。
- B(B 统计量,B-Statistic):
- 这是基于贝叶斯统计方法计算的 B 值,用于估计基因为差异表达基因的概率。较高的 B 值表示更高的可信度。
- 例如,MESDC2 的
B 值
为 32.68792,表示其差异表达的可信度非常高。
- Regulation(调控方向,Regulation):
- 这是根据 logFC 的符号确定的调控方向,“Up” 表示上调,“Down” 表示下调。
- 例如,MESDC2 的调控方向为 “Down”,表示其在实验组中表达下调。
通过上述结果,我们可以看到几个基因在对照组和实验组之间的表达差异显著。例如,MESDC2 的表达在实验组中显著下调,而 GUCA2A 的表达在实验组中显著上调。调整后的 P 值和 B 统计量进一步验证了这些差异的显著性和可信度。